Wednesday 12 March 2014

SPGS Stuck With Foncho

Hi there!

Monday 24th February to Sunday 9th March was Fairtrade Fortnight with the theme ‘Stick with Foncho to make bananas fair’. SPEAC arranged a number of events to raise awareness about the amazing work of the Fairtrade Foundation and to celebrate Fairtrade Fortnight. 

Events included a Fairtrade party with a chocolate fountain and bananas (both Fairtrade!), the showing of Madagascar and Fairtrade awareness films, combined with a Fairtrade banoffee pie desert during lunch. No event would be complete without a dress up day with many people wearing yellow on the Friday (including SPEAC’s very own Kate Gardiner dressed up as a banana!). 

Thank you to everyone who got involved and showed their support - and don't forget to buy Fairtrade!

Kate shows her support for Fairtrade

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